A Lil’ Preview of Vandaveer’s New Album

I’ve been smitten with Vandaveer for a long while now, and I can’t wait for you all to hear the new album, The Wild Mercury. Here’s an amuse-bouche to whet your appetite before the February release.

It’s a rainy day here in DC. I like how clean the world feels after a sky-washing. I like how some songs feel the way the world looks right now, with raindrops clinging to eaves and branches, suspended between air and earth. Holding patterns of precipitate.

I’ve been smitten with Vandaveer for a long while now, and I can’t wait for you all to hear the new album, The Wild Mercury. Here’s an amuse-bouche to whet your appetite before the February release.

This is a time of transition for me, and I’m old enough to know that whether I stay or go, there is no constant to the “here,” and no return to what was “there.” No blank slates. Only new stories written over old, new structures built after old ones are demolished — only change, only the mercurial.

But the thing about good music is that it feels like a home and a friend that you can take with you, no matter where you go.

So thank you, Vandaveer, for making music and for giving us something to look forward to in the new year. xoxo

Author: Vivian Wang

A gal with a camera and a penchant for deconstructing lyrics. Know of a band I should be listening to? Need press or concert shots? Let's chat: lithophyte.photo [at] gmail [dot] com.

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